Work with Patricia

Choose the best option for the stage you are in your business. You can upgrade to Done with you after our first meeting.

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Pricing Options

Start with a Strategy Month $3500 USD
StartUp - Do it yourself $5000 USD
Growth - Do it yourself *Recommended Plan $7500 USD
Scale - Do it yourself $10000 USD
All in one - mentorship $35000 USD
Ads Management for course creators 6 payments of $2500 USD /month

Order Summary

    Work with Patricia $7500 USD
    Redeem Coupon
    Swedish VAT @ 25% $1500 USD
    Total (inc Swedish VAT)
    $7500 USD

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        By submitting this form you agree to our Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy

        Let's build that automated sales machine

        • You already have a course
          that's selling.
        • You have clients with tangible
        • You're looking to escape the
          draining cycle of live
        Do you want to pay in SEK go to this page instead » Checkout SEK and if you prefer to pay in EUR go to this page » Checkout EUR
        Are you confused? Send me a DM on Instagram right away. OR invest and we talk it through on our Set the stage meeting that you will get to book right after your payment.

        I look forward to see you inside!