Work with Patricia in 2024

Choose the best option for the stage you are in your business. You can upgrade to Done with you after our first meeting.

Watch this 20 minute long presentation and find out what we can do together.


Choose track

If choosing the right track for you is challenging, don't worry. In our "Set the Stage" meeting, I will assist you in making a decision.


Choose payment

On this page you'll find information about our different tracks and available support options. All offers are available in USD, EUR and SEK. You can pay via Stripe or PayPal.


Book your meeting

I operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and you have 14 days to decide the right track for you. It's advisable to book your meeting today.

After your payment you have 14 days to decide if you want to upgrade, downgrade or if you need to invest in some additional add-ons. So book your first meeting as soon as possible.

If you find it hard to decide, I advise you to invest in what you think is best and I'll help you decide what's best for you at the Set the stage meeting. That's why it's important that you book that meeting right after your payment.

I just want to be honest with you; NO half-assing is allowed when working with me. If you're not committed to your success, I can't be either. You (and/or your team) need to be prepared to do the work, both in terms of mindset and the actual (and sometimes boring) tasks. There are no overnight successes, regardless of all the marketing that might make you believe otherwise.

This is NOT a group program - it's You (your team) and me working together.

The bonus package

Included when you pay in full for:

  • Growth - you need to automate your sales
  • Scale - you need to scale your business
  • All in one - you need all the strategies

This bonus simplifies tracking registrations, viewership, and so forth. You can do much more with it than just what I guide you through in my programs. It integrates with all the major email marketing providers.

Naturally, my all-time favorite is ActiveCampaign, thanks to its sophisticated automations.

Book a call if you want to work with Patricia

At this time, we only accept clients with whom we have ongoing discussions. If you're interested in working with us, please book a call! You'll find the link down to the right.

What's inside?

This is how it looks inside the course portal. You and your team will instantly get access to the Welcome area where you can read all about the practicalities and book your Set the stage meeting right away.